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ILT, Internet Leads Training is a digital marketing traininghub based in Kochi intended for those individuals who would like to excel in the field of digital marketing. ILT programs are compiled and structured by the leading digital marketing trainer and consultant in Kerala – Mr. Jitto Jose.

More than 15 years of experience as a digital marketing consultant and trainer, Jitto is a proven authority in terms of digital marketing. The program curriculum is planned and designed in such a manner that it perfectly meets entire requirements of a digital marketing aspirant or marketer, be it career growth or improved business.

The training sessions are carried out by Google Adwords and Google Analytics certified trainers under the leadership& guidance of lead trainer Jitto. A very practical approach with hands on training experienceis the trademark of ILT training. The students get practical learning experience of the most advanced tools and techniques. Our modules and sessions are accustomed to constant monitoring and restructuring in order to meet the needs of ever-changing digital marketing trends.

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